Gymleco Curved Treadmill
Gymleco Curved Treadmill
Gymleco’s Motor less Treadmill is a concept where the treadmill is operated without a motor. It means that it starts through gravity and accelerates in a controlled manner after the running steps.
More about the treadmill
The treadmill is gentle on the knees and is therefore excellent for rehabilitation training. The treadmill is also an economical alternative where electricity costs cease completely. There is a battery-powered (4 x AA Alkali batteries) display where time, speed, calories and distance are displayed.
The shock-absorbing lamella technology means that the belt wears much more slowly than a traditional belt, which leads to low service costs and a longer use. The treadmill is ultimate for functional training and is usually found in boxes but also commercial gyms.
Special features
- The treadmill is gentle on the knees and is therefore ideal for rehabilitation training.
- The treadmill is also an economical option where electricity costs are completely eliminated.
- The shock-distorting lamella technology causes the belt to wear much more slowly than a traditional belt, which leads to low service costs and a longer service life.
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
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